No. 5 | The Design Process


A room is never stagnant; in truth, it's always full of life – as a sanctuary, a place to relax, unwind, study and focus or spend time with loved ones. Good design has the ability to improve a space by making it better suited for its purpose. Great design ensures that everything has a place and a further defined purpose. The balance of time and creativity is essential in making our client's visions come to life, and it's all wrapped up in our rigorous design process. One of the most important questions we are asked is how we will navigate the process and guide our clients through each step. 



There are many components in making your vision a reality. After gathering information through conversations, a site visit, and carefully crafted questionnaires, we delve intuitively into your heart's deepest desires. This kicks off Programming and Concept development. Research, ideation, and concept development are great tools, but nothing compares to the stories you share - those that give a sense of how you live and the goals you would like to achieve during this collaboration. Where our clients come from, their experiences, and where they are going give rich life to every project we design. 



As we dig into our client's minds during this first phase, we conceive the story, develop the conceptual language that will drive all design decisions, and begin the preliminary schematic drawings – where the way you live informs the space planning and layouts that we present as options. Our solutions often have no wrong answer; however, there is always one option that will naturally feel "right."

While still very early in the process, this is the time when your ideas and visions are birthed. This is where we seek to challenge you most, offering an opportunity to step into discomfort for innovative styles and ideas. In some ways, we reinvent the wheel every time in search of the unprecedented. Dynamic human relationships are the foundation of our work, and our role is to draw out the emotions, stories, and desires from the deep well that is our clients' minds - a unique challenge to every design puzzle.


The progression of interior design has been immaculate over the years, from traditional 2D sketches and hand-built models to elaborate 3D model renderings. These new and improved tools have significantly impacted how we can share our concepts with clients — giving a deeper understanding and true visualization of the expected outcomes.

Upon assessing the design, we let the creative juices flow, immersing ourselves in the project, and cultivating every detail. Weaving creative detail and function into your space, we dive into what distinctive finishes and fixtures will bring cohesiveness to your sacred spaces and help bind one part of your home to the other. This time in the process is dynamic and fun, where new materials, colors, and details come into play, and the design is made "real." It is what one may think of when they envision the design process. The preliminary construction drawings and 3d renderings are excellent tools to help create expectations of what the final design will look like, identify any challenges, and help with the final decision-making and approvals before final documentation begins. 



Once the material and design decisions are approved, there is an intense period of heads down at the drawing board where the well-thought-out ideas are translated into working drawings that will compile your Bid Set. This is a critical step where every material must be accounted for so each trade can provide pricing to the General Contractor accurately. This is the map for the contractor to execute the design.



The General Contractors we work with are meticulous in their work, giving rise to various details. The documents, desired timelines, and specifications are delivered to them upon approval. Taking pride in managing our projects onsite, we work closely to ensure everything proceeds according to plan and guarantee our contractors have what they need to construct your place efficiently and with careful craftsmanship.


Ideally, our collaboration also includes Furniture and Fixtures - this phase includes anything that isn't nailed down. Your art collection, vintage pieces from family, and anything nostalgic help to weave your life story. We catalog these items, space plan, and select new pieces to complement and balance each space. Our goal is to make your home an extension of you, to wow your every morning (and your guests, too), but to do so in a way that feels real. Our designs are not about pretension but about creating an environment for living and embracing your everyday as well as the celebrations.