No. 4 | A Day in the Life: Alissa Pulcrano



It’s 6AM on a Monday, and I’m ready to take the week by storm. I’ve yet to master the 6AM “that girl” morning routine (if it even exists); instead, I’ve come to believe (and strive to put into practice) that each day requires its own rhythm. On a daily basis, I seek to maintain inspiration through life’s little pleasantries. Here’s a peek into what that looks like.


After a cold rinse to wake me up, I head to my potions cabinet – and let me tell you, I have become the Queen of Potions (Super You, Ritual vitamins…. Spirulina, Ashwagandha, Rhodiola, Adaptogens, you name it…). My inner coffeeholic faded long ago, and these days I’m much more interested in organic caffeine for fuel. Shortly thereafter, I head out to Hyatt Training (shoutout to the best personal trainer in town, Jeremy!) for fifty minutes of strength training until I’m whisked away into another day in Design wonderland.

Like any true artist, I am aptly drawn where the wind takes me. But I’m finding that these small (and somewhat literal) doses of morning rituals establish a healthy foundation for the creative journey ahead. By now it’s 9 AM, and, ideally, I’ve cleared my head with my commute to work on foot from Slabtown to our beautiful, historic space of 12 years in the Pearl. But since it’s often sticky (or sketchy!) and – rarely in between in Portland – I opt for the Lyft or my cherished partner-turned-chauffeur, a pandemic-relationship evolution perk!


Another Monday ritual is our Team Sync, ideally in the studio (but sometimes virtual), we gather for some morning breathwork before the metaphorical tennis match begins (design speak for project planning). I review my mile long To-Do, and often take a few minutes to inspire my senses by rooting around in the materials room – pet a fuzzy bouclé, lay out a wild paint palette, take mental inventory of the latest and our ever growing collection of organic, hand-hewn tiles. All this, of course, is interspersed with the bailiwick of what we really "do" as Interior Designers: manifesting environments that embody, reflect and enhance a client's life through excellent design. 

Our clients and their bright-eyed excitement fuel me always. My *seriously* amazing and diverse team of creative women, who show up every week to create complex projects, offer me endless inspiration. Their verve is contagious (the good kind of bug!) as it drives us to the creative process – but really, it’s the stories behind the designs that make this calling ultimately fulfilling.


Portland sunset, as seen from my sofa

Bright’s Design Director, Katie, grabbing some BTS images from one of our projects



When the bell rings on Friday, I look forward to recalibrating and finding rest at home. After some personal reflection and planning for the week ahead, I make my journey home to watch the sunset.

It’s 7PM. I’m sitting on my vintage yellow sofa with a gimlet. I’m with my person. There’s good music playing, and we watch the boats float by on the river. Water and the long gaze give me pause. 

At the close of each week, I am fascinated by the passage of time, and the countless curiosities, wonders, wins and challenges it brings. When it boils down, our craft and creative process require surrender much more than they do control. My continued mission for myself and Bright is that what we imbue in our designs continues to recognize and celebrate the utter beauty and merriment found in each precious moment. 
